When you sign up via the secure web site, you select the desired service level and enter your credit card information. Unless part of a special advertised promotion, you are immediately billed in advance for the first month of service (if the credit card auth fails, the account is not created). You immediately have access to all areas of the site, except your iFanz home page (i.e. and the ability to send email blasts. Due to DNS propagation issues, their URL will take up to two hours to become active, for that reason you are also restricted from blasting for two hours.
When an account is created, the day of the month (i.e. 1st thru 31st) is recorded and set as the account billing date. At 12:00AM on the billing date every month, an authorization request is sent to bill the card on file for another month of service. If that authorization fails, the account is immediately deactivated. If the authorization is successful then the account remains active.
If you decide to upgrade to a higher service level, you may do so thru the account management area of the web site. When you upgrade your account you are given the option to step up one service level for $20 or two levels for $40, there is no "downgrade" option. When you upgrade, you are immediately billed the upgrade fee as well as credited a month's worth of credits at the new service level. Their billing date is also reset to the day that they upgraded, so you won't be billed for another month.
If you wish to to close your account, IFANZ CANNOT PERFORM THIS SERVICE FOR YOU.You must do so thru the memberz console >my account>change service level> deactivate account. When an account is deactivated, your credit card number is permanently removed from the database. This will produce a message on your login screen notifying you that your account has been deactivated and you will only be allowed access to the system until the next billing date, If you wish to “undo” the deactivation simply log in and update the credit card on the account. There are no retroactive refunds
There are currently six automated iFanz account types:
Free, Garage, Showcase, Club, Stadium, Hall of Fame – These account types all conform to all the functionality described above in the billing system. Please see our pricing page for current monthly membership fees.
There are no refunds given